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Manufacturer/Data Portal Membership

$773 - $1,545 Annual Fee

Privileges, Benefits and Services

  • FEDA Product Data Portal & Support Center - Unlimited Product Uploads and Edits
  • Opportunities to Participate in FEDA Leadership Groups: Advocacy Council, Future of Distribution Council, Young Industry Leaders, Education Committee, Industry Technology Committees
  • Company Feature Page and Listing on FEDA’s Website
  • FEDA Year-Round Industry Government Relations and Advocacy
  • Discounted Annual Conference Registration
  • 5% Off All Advertising and Sponsorships
  • Complimentary FEDA News & Views Magazine Subscriptions (Up to 3)
  • Complimentary FEDA Weekly E-Newsletter Subscriptions (Unlimited)
  • Complimentary editorial in FEDA News & Views and FEDA Weekly E-Newsletter (Unlimited, Based on Content and Space Availability)


Membership FEES

FEDA manufacturer membership fees are based on annual revenue. 
These fees valid through December 31, 2024.

Group 1 Annual Revenue Below $5,000,000 $773
Group 2 Annual Revenue Over $5,000,000 $1,545

Manufacturer Membership Requirements

Must use E&S distributors and dealers as your primary sales channel

Must not compete with E&S distributors and dealers

Must upload your product data into FEDA’s Data Portal for FEDA dealers to access and use to sell your products. FEDA’s data support team will assist in any way needed to help your company do this.


Have Questions?

Please submit questions about FEDA membership to Isabelle Piotrowski, Membership Manager at [email protected] or 224-293-6504.

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